Family, Whanau and Disability

39. The Importance of Relationship Building with Whanau and the Wider Community

Family, Whanau and Disability

Presenters: Jo Hannah
Produced by Parent to Parent NZ

Guests: Jo Ellis 

Jo Ellis is a single mum to Harvey, an enthusiastic, inquisitive teenage boy that was born with Cri Du Chat Syndrome. Prior to Harvey being born, Jo had lived overseas but returned to her hometown in New Zealand to set up a new life for her and Harvey not long after he was born. Jo has navigated the world of disabilities with her son for 15 years, and over this time she has purposely built relationships with those around her to help build support not only for Harvey but also herself. She is a strong believer in the importance of connection and building solid foundations to thrive. She knows it is not always easy to make connections and that it is something you need to work at. She understands first-hand what a difference it can be to surrounding yourself with people that are truly there for you and your child.

Programme Synopsis 
Jo talks to her guest Jo about relationship building and why it is important to build and maintain strong relationships and connections with the wider community, whanau and any providers that come into your life to offer support for your family
