Family, Whanau and Disability
Family, Whanau and Disability
16. Care Matters Workshops and Support for Finding Support Workers
Research and co-ordination: Lisa Pirihi and Carolyn Jury
Presenter: Louise Ratcliffe
Produced by Louise Ratcliffe and FreeFM89.0
Guests: Tina Lincoln
Family Member Facilitator (SAMS)
Tina has 19 years’ experience in the disability sector and has been with SAMS for 11 years. Tina believes everyone should be treated equally and have opportunities in the community. Tina has a wide range of experience – having a family member with a disability and Level 4 Certificate in Social Services. She is also a member of the National Co-design Transformation Team for Enabling Good Lives and a Co-facilitator for the mid-central Regional Leadership group. Tina lives in Fielding and enjoys her journey with her links to Te Atiawa whanau.
Programme Synopsis
- How people currently access support services and how this will change with the Disability Transformation
- Care Matters workshops and how people can get together to effect changes in their
local community - How the transformation will enable the disability community to have greater say in
what services and supports they want and how that may be a way to make mainstream businesses more accessible
“Handle with Care” The Travelling Wilburys
“Friends” Elton John
Tune in to Parent to Parent's podcast Connect, Inform, Support
Connect, Inform, Support features interviews with professionals and specialists on disability-related topics, and is a source of information and resources for families and whānau caring for people with disabilities.
Discussion topics cover a range of subjects related to disability and special needs, such as inclusive education, supporting someone with special needs, and the challenges and triumphs of living with disability.
- http://www.sams.org.nz
- http://www.imaginebetter.co.nz
- http://www.enablinggoodlives.co.nz
- https://altogetherautism.org.nz
- Safesquares
- Parent to Parent New Zealand Inc
- Altogether Autism
- Care Matters or 0508 236 236 freephone service for carers
- Mana Whaikaha – MidCentral only