Family, Whanau and Disability
Family, Whanau and Disability
21. Parenting: Self-care and Understanding Child Behaviour
Research and co-ordination: Lisa Pirihi and Carolyn Jury
Presenters: Louise Ratcliffe
Produced by Louise Ratcliffe and FreeFM89.0
Guests: Rebecca Armstrong
MAppPsy, Researcher, Parent to Parent Rebecca researches complex requests and consults with the Professional Expert Group (PEG). She also writes for the Altogether Autism Journal and is involved in the PRISM Professional Development Series. Rebecca completed a masters degree in Applied Psychology at the University of Waikato in 2015. Rebecca has worked with children with autism, in the school and home environment, since 2013
Programme Synopsis
- Self-care and self-compassion for parents
- Understanding and re-framing challenging behaviour
“Working for the children” KGB
Tune in to Parent to Parent's podcast Connect, Inform, Support
Connect, Inform, Support features interviews with professionals and specialists on disability-related topics, and is a source of information and resources for families and whānau caring for people with disabilities.
Discussion topics cover a range of subjects related to disability and special needs, such as inclusive education, supporting someone with special needs, and the challenges and triumphs of living with disability.
- Ross Greene – The Explosive Child:
- Livesinthebalance.org
- Safesquares
- Parent to Parent New Zealand Inc
- Altogether Autism
- Care Matters or 0508 236 236 freephone service for carers
- Mana Whaikaha – MidCentral only