Family, Whanau and Disability

25. System Transformation and Mana Whaikaha

Louise Ratcliffe Season 2019 Episode 1052

Research and co-ordination: Lisa Pirihi
Presenters: Louise Ratcliffe
Produced by Wintec Music and Performing Arts Department


Janine Morrah
Janine is Parent to Parent’s Manawatu Regional Coordinator. She is a Palmy local with strong
connections to the community through sports and teaching. Janine’s prior work history has included teaching both domestic and international Studends. She has also spent time working as a caregiver in New Zeland and the UK.

Lorna Sullivan
Lorna is the Director of Mana Whaikaha, the Manawanui prototype for the development of Enabling Good Lives.

Wendy O’Mira
Wendy is a Connector with Mana Whaikaha in the Mid Central region.

Programme Synopsis

  • Louise finds out all about the new pilot programme for Enabling Good Lives - Mana Whaikaha – being rolled out in the Mid Central Region

Tune in to Parent to Parent's podcast Connect, Inform, Support

Connect, Inform, Support features interviews with professionals and specialists on disability-related topics, and is a source of information and resources for families and whānau caring for people with disabilities.

Discussion topics cover a range of subjects related to disability and special needs, such as inclusive education, supporting someone with special needs, and the challenges and triumphs of living with disability.
